Margo and Smith is an artisanal leather care store that specializes in maintenance and leather restoration services for luxury leather goods. The store is dedicated to preserving the stories behind each bag, utilizing traditional techniques from France and Japan.
Each consultation is tailored, luxurious and personal from the minute you enter - services available include bespoke color matching for recoloring services, artisanal hand polishing and waxing of luxury leather goods and restoration works for leather goods of all shapes and sizes, including handbag, wallets, belts, backpack, leather furniture etc.

John Chung - Winner of the World Shoe Shine Championship 2018
Press release : Winner of World Shoeshine Championship 2018 - click here to read more
Ash Sam - Winner of the World Shoe Shine Championship 2022
Press release : Winner of World Shoeshine Championship 2022 - click here to read more

Mason and Smith began its journey in 2013, initiated by John Chung at the age of 21. Choosing to forego a traditional university education, John embarked on his entrepreneurial path driven by an unwavering passion for footwear. Despite facing opposition from his parents, John remained resolute in his vision to establish his company.
To hone his craft, John sought apprenticeships and educational opportunities with esteemed shoemakers in both Hong Kong (2016) and Japan (2017) before returning to Singapore. It was here that he dedicated himself to mastering the intricacies of shoe shining and repair techniques.
At the core of Mason and Smith's ethos lies a commitment to elevating the artistry of shoe care. Beyond preserving traditional craftsmanship, the brand has redefined the dynamic between shoe repair services and clientele. By integrating modern technology, innovative footwear solutions, and strategic social media engagement, Mason and Smith has reimagined the shoe care experience.
Years of dedication have enabled John to cultivate profound expertise in shoe care, extending to leather goods for both men and women. Situated in the bustling Central Business District, the flagship store nestled within Ann Siang Hill has emerged as a premier destination for footwear enthusiasts, locally and beyond Singapore's borders.
Mason and Smithは 2013年に始まりました。当時、ジョン・チャンは21歳でした。ジョンは大学の機会を捨て、靴に対する深い情熱から自分のビジネスを始めることを決意しました。両親はその決定に強く反対しましたが、ジョンは自分の会社を築く決意を持っていました。
靴磨きや靴修理の技術を高めることは、常にMason and Smithの中心にありました。伝統的な職人技術を守るだけでなく、Mason and Smithは、靴修理店と顧客の間の関係を革新し、モダンなテクノロジーや革新的な靴のソリューション、そしてSNSを組み合わせて、靴の体験を次のレベルに引き上げました。
Mason and Smith的旅程始于2013年,由当时21岁的John Chung发起。选择放弃传统的大学教育,John出于对鞋类的坚定热情,踏上了创业之路。尽管面临父母的反对,John仍坚定地致力于实现自己建立公司的愿景。为了磨练自己的手艺,John在2016年和2017年分别在香港和日本向著名的鞋匠学习,并追求学徒机会。在返回新加坡之后,他致力于掌握鞋面护理和修复技术的种种细微之处。
Mason and Smith的核心理念是致力于提升鞋类护理的艺术性。除了保护传统工艺外,该品牌还重新定义了鞋类维修服务与客户之间的关系。通过整合现代技术、创新的鞋类解决方案和战略性的社交媒体参与,Mason and Smith重新构想了鞋类护理体验。
Mason dan Smith memulakan perjalanan mereka pada tahun 2013, yang dirintis oleh John Chung pada usia 21 tahun. Memilih untuk mengabaikan pendidikan universiti tradisional, John memulakan langkah keusahawanan yang didorong oleh keghairahan yang teguh terhadap alas kaki. Walaupun menghadapi tentangan dari ibu bapanya, John tetap teguh dalam visinya untuk menubuhkan syarikatnya.
Untuk mempertajam kemahirannya, John mencari peluang pembelajaran dengan tukang kasut ternama di Hong Kong (2016) dan Jepun (2017) sebelum kembali ke Singapura. Di sini, beliau berdedikasi untuk menguasai perincian teknik mengilat dan membaiki kasut.
Pada intinya, ethos Mason dan Smith terletak pada komitmen untuk meningkatkan seni rawatan kasut. Melampaui memelihara kerajinan tradisional, jenama ini telah menentukan semula dinamik antara perkhidmatan membaiki kasut dan pelanggan. Dengan mengintegrasikan teknologi moden, penyelesaian alas kaki inovatif, dan penglibatan media sosial yang strategik, Mason dan Smith telah membayangkan semula pengalaman rawatan kasut.
Tahun-tahun pengabdian telah membolehkan John membudayakan kepakaran yang mendalam dalam rawatan kasut, meluas kepada barang kulit untuk lelaki dan wanita. Terletak di kawasan Perniagaan Tengah yang sibuk, kedai utama yang terletak di Bukit Ann Siang telah muncul sebagai destinasi utama bagi peminat alas kaki, tempatan dan jauh dari sempadan Singapura.
Mason and Smith stands as a distinguished establishment specializing in men's footwear and attire, complemented by expert shoe shine and repair services. Our journey commenced modestly with a solitary shoe shine stand, evolving steadily into a robust team of ten dedicated individuals.
Upon stepping into our store, patrons are greeted by an array of footwear, with the shoe shine counter conveniently situated to the right, where clients may entrust their shoes for meticulous care and repair. On the left, an array of shoe care essentials and complementary items await, ranging from socks to fine leather accessories. Collaborating with skilled leather artisans, we now offer bespoke services for discerning clientele seeking tailor-made leather goods.
Central to our ethos is the cultivation of meaningful partnerships with artisans. Unlike conventional retailers, we engage deeply with each artisan to ensure their craftsmanship is showcased authentically. Our commitment extends beyond transactions to fostering enduring relationships with both artisans and customers alike.
Among our esteemed portfolio are renowned brands such as Joseph Cheaney, Yohei Fukuda, TYE Shoemaker, and more, alongside our own line of ready-to-wear footwear introduced last year. With a focus on innovation, we continuously expand our offerings through collaborative projects with artisans, including TYE Shoemaker's upcoming ready-to-wear program, as well as ventures with Norman Vilalta and other esteemed collaborators.
Our distinctive approach emphasizes long-term collaboration with artisans, believing it to be the key to unlocking their full potential. While challenging initially, we are confident that this fusion of retail with bespoke service and standard ready-to-wear with exclusive offerings will propel our brand forward.
Mason and Smithは、紳士の靴と服を専門とし、プロの靴磨きと修理サービスを提供する選りすぐりの店舗です。当社の歴史は、一人で管理される靴磨きスタンドから始まり、現在では10人のチームに成長しています。
当社の名誉あるポートフォリオには、Joseph Cheaney、Yohei Fukuda、TYE Shoemakerなどの名だたるブランドが含まれています。昨年、自社ブランドのレディ・トゥ・ウェアの靴を発表しました。革新を重視し、TYE Shoemakerの次回のレディ・トゥ・ウェアプログラムなど、職人とのコラボレーションプロジェクトを通じて提供を拡大し続けています。